sexta-feira, outubro 27, 2006

Sleepy hollow!

Good evening,

Finally friday! Unfortunately, tomorrow I'm going out in the morning... To downtown... Shit... I just wanted to sleep, and sleep and sleep and after see the things for the party. Halloween party!
I changed the template 'cause that one gave me such problems! I couldn't put portuguese stuffs, because of the accentes... But I belive this one is good... Clear... !
Looking for a good movie to watch tonight... Let me see the channel programs...
  • At TNT - Spider man ( It repeats a lot!!!)
  • At AXN - Sleepy Hollow (Of course this wins!)
  • At Universal channel - Not movie, but a serie...

SLEEPY HOLLOW! I was thinking on this movie today! Yipi! I have to go now... Watch it!



What type of weather are you ?


You Are Lightning
Beautiful yet dangerousPeople will stop and watch you when you appearEven though you're capable of random violence
You are best known for: your power
Your dominant state: performing
What Type of Weather Are You?

1 Comentários:

Anonymous Anônimo disse...

Ótimo filme. O jonny tá maravilhoso nele. Desde que assisti to louca pra comprar.
Me avvisa quando tiver o próximo recital, provavelmente estarei de férias e quero te ver cantando.
Eu também me lasquei na prova de física(fiz hoje).
Tenha um bom fim de semana

5:48 PM  

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