sábado, maio 20, 2006

Não sabes que te amo?... Don't you know that I love you...

Pousa a mão na minha testa - Manuel Bandeira

Não Te doas o meu silêncio:
Estou cansado de todas as palavras.
Não sabes que te amo?
Pousa a mão em minha testa:
Captarás numa palpitação inefável
O sentido da única palavra essencial
- Amor.

This poem is really beautiful. I saw in my portuguese book. There is other one...

Banho – Maria - Roseana Murray

Amor não deve ser mantido
Em banho-maria
Pois seus poderes
De luz e encantamento
Se esvaem neste lento cozinhar
Amor pede fogo alto
Grossas chamas
Sol intenso
E muita pimenta
Amor pede tempero forte
Pede tudo em exagero
Mel de se lambuzar

Who doesn't know portuguese, I am sorry. These poems are really lovely... I really liked them... Very cute. A relief come now into my soul. My tests are over! Thank God! But an angry came up to my heart. That foolish people.... I hate all of them! I want the death for them. I know I shouldn't think this way, but... My heart can't forget... Fortunately, love make me forget those ones... The love flames can make me forget a little... Me and my friend will go watch The Da Vinci code... I couldn't go yesterday.... And is too expansive to. That's all.

Truly yours,

P.S. This photo is beautiful... Is a french couple. A photographer saw this moment and took this photo... Is lovely...

2 Comentários:

Anonymous Anônimo disse...

Love had this power, and I prefere Manuel Bandeira... beautiful... "O sentido da única palavra essencial
- Amor."


1:03 AM  
Blogger Tuku Moura disse...

Oia eu de novo... olha outro blog meu... esse eh pra valer (parece piada neh?) confere!

BjS! tuku

5:56 PM  

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