terça-feira, maio 02, 2006

My fall will be for you...

Ghost Love Score - Nightwish/Tuomas Holopainen

We used to swim the same moonlight waters
Oceans away from the wakeful day

- My fall will be for you -
My fall will be for you
My love will be in you
If you be the one to cut me
I will bleed forever

Scent of the sea
before the waking of the world
Brings me to thee
Into the blue memory

- My fall will be for you -
My fall will be for you
My love will be in you
If you be the one to cut me
I will bleed forever

Into the blue memory
A siren from the deep came to me
Sang my name my longing
Still I write my songs
about that dream of mine
Worth everything I may ever be

The Child will be born again
That siren carried him to me
First of them true loves
Singing on the shoulders of an angel
Without care for love 'n loss

Bring me home or leave me be
My love in the dark heart of the night
I have lost the path before me
The one behind will lead me

Take me
Cure me
Kill me
Bring me home
Every way
Every day
Just another loop in the hangman's noose

Take me,
cure me,
kill me,
bring me home
Every way,
every dayI keep on watching us sleep

Relive the old sin of Adam and Eve
Of you and me
Forgive the adoring beast

Redeem me into childhood
Show me myself without the shell
Like the advent of May
I`ll be there when you say
Time to never hold our love

- My fall will be for you -
My fall will be for you
My love will be in you
You were the one to cut me
So I'll bleed forever


This song is perfect. Is the most perfect song in the whole world!!! Tuomas Holopainen is my master, my God... This song touchs my heart since the first time I listen to it... Tomorrow will be the first meeting with the people of the fairy tales tellers... I am so happy! I hope this project, this dream can be realized in peace and calm. Finally, Nightwish DVD will come to Brazil!!! We, brazilian fans won't have to buy it in the internet and in Euros (thank God! Would be very expensive!). The da vinci code is very interesting! Is really exciting. I need to go. I will read it!!!

Truly yours,

2 Comentários:

Anonymous Anônimo disse...

Oia fia vc sabe q eu te adoro tanto q eu lembrei de comentar no seu blog hehe!! =***** mt especial vc viu moçinha?? e amanhã vamos nadar né?? aduhsauidhiuasd zoando eu vou so assistir msm hehe

1:42 AM  
Anonymous Anônimo disse...

Obrigado por intiresnuyu iformatsiyu

6:36 PM  

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